Iris Texture Brushes
Purchase Your Iris Texture Brushes HERE!
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Iris Texture Brushes Loaded into
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“The Eye Brightening Brushes”
It's the eyes that captivate us and hold our attention in an image! But what if your
subject's eyes are overly dark, jet black, or lack visible detail? If the brightness and iris
texture of the eyes are not perfectly visible your image will lack interest, focus, and vibrancy.
With the Iris Texture Brushes you can infinitely adjust the degree of brightness, detail, and
visual focus you want. They make the eyes of your image POP off the page! These
brushes add visible texture to the irises...and allow the eyes to be brightened to bring out
missing detail and color.
Iris Texture Brushes
Brighten the Eyes and Add Texture
Video: How Do these Iris and
Brightening Brushes Work?
Professional Retouching Tools, Training, and Resources
These Iris Texture and Eye Brightening Brushes
are Compatible with CS-CS6 PC or Mac.
Set includes 10 Iris Texture Brushes
Individual Iris Texture Brushes brighten dark eyes to any degree
Brushes can be used to create or enhance the attractive iris textures
The effects can be infinitely adjusted to achieve the perfect visual balance
These brushes are photographically accurate brushes and they can be scaled to fit any eye
Brushes work on images from web size to 16 X 20. Usable with Photoshop CS - CS6 PC or Mac